Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Cave

I was just reading another friend's blog and I thought I would write a response blog to it. Since ya know I think that would be fun. Let's see how fun this really is. :D

I'd just like to say that I am probably the person who said that she was not a passionate person. Well I mean in terms of how incredibly passionate I am about things but I in no way expect her to be to my level. I don't think everyone can handle being at this level. ;) I'm so passionate I would even call it obsessive. I have the feeling that one is worse than the other but there's nothing that I can do about it because that's just me. And she is just being her. She doesn't have to be as passionate as I am about things, these things are different for every person, but like she said it doesn't mean she doesn't have any appreciation for these things.

Okay, this isn't even the point of what I'm trying to say because I am obviously agreeing with what she's saying. Wow, I get off topic easily. ANYWAYS, so what I'm trying to talk about is how she said that she does not express passion towards things because she doesn't want to experience suffering when things change or what not. Wait, I think it was what the outcome is or something. (ahh this sounds like I didn't even really pay attention to what she was saying)

Sooooo, suffering. It's just a part of life. There's nothing you can do to avoid it. That's why there is need for the saying "Life's tough, get a helmet" that Eric Matthews told the studio audience and the viewers at home. My point here is that yeah there's suffering in the world but there are also beautiful things in the world. I could list them off but I think you all know what my passions are by now and you know that I am indeed VERY passionate about them.

THERE! That's my point! I use my passion for the beautiful things in life to make the suffering that is bound to happen time and again irrelevant. So instead of being afraid to experience suffering, I instead experience passion and make myself a very happy person. (ooh this sounds bad, it sounds like my less passionate friend is an unhappy person but that's NOT TRUE. She makes herself happy in her own way)

I don't know if any of this makes sense but here's something that makes me happy and that I am very passionate about. :D

So on an end note, I ask you this (well technically Cameron does): If you were a pirate, would you want your parrot on your right shoulder or your left?

It's a head scratcher ain't it? ;)

Isn't my boyfriend the cutest? Especially at :55 secs. That look is just for me. ;)

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