Friday, November 26, 2010

Here's goes nothing

I know who I want my husband to be. And not in the sense that I know what kind of man I want to marry (quality wise I mean). I physically know who I want to marry.

Yeah I totally know. :D

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pedo Bear

So I had another interesting dream last night. This one however was a little strange and you will soon understand why.

It was about Justin Bieber. That's right JB. So he and I were sitting across from each other out in the yard of some house or something and we were chatting. But here's the thing, you know how I dream about these sexy men like Taylor and Cam? And you know how in those dreams I'm their best friends? Well not in this case. In this dream I happen to be flirting with Justin (I even asked him to call me sometime!) That's right, I happen to flirt with the one dude in my dreams who is under age. Gosh, he's 17! I mean why could I not have flirted with the almost 19 year old or the 28 year old (holy cow he's 28!)? I guess I really don't have the answer to that question. (I think this may have been for the fact that I had a Justin Bieber song stuck in my head and we singing it to myself before I went to sleep, but yeah we'll just go with that.)

I wonder what this say about me. haha.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Better Day

I know there's sunshine beyond that rain.
I know there's good times beyond that pain.

I close my eyes and I can see a better day.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Gotta Love It

I am just having tons of luck with dreams these days! Gosh, this is the life or I guess this is the dream. Haha. Anyways, I shall share with you this lovely dream that I had last night. :D

I know what you're thinking, it was another dream about Taylor but alas it wasn't. This time is was about Cam Gigandet, that's right Cam Frickin' Gigandet! EEP! So here's the dream. He was showing me his scrap book that he had made when he was a little kid and it had all of these things in there that he made (it was so adorably cute, you would have loved to see that thing) But then someone (I think it was Amanda Bynes but I'm not sure) came over when we weren't looking and ripped something out of the book! Cam was really upset because those were his childhood memories and if they're gone you're never gonna get them back. So anyways he was sitting on the floor in front of the scrapbook all upset and I sat down next to him and put my arms around his shoulders and he put his head on my shoulder and I comforted him and then I helped him fix it. Gosh, I'm like the best friend ever right?!?! :D

So that was the dream and it was fantastic! :D

I'll try not to dwell to0 much on the fact that Cam and Taylor are my dream best friends. :D

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Something Worth Living For

I have come to the conclusion that Harry Potter is the best thing in the entire world, or should I say in my entire life (as something else may be better in the entire world for you people) Although I knew this years ago, I just happen to be writing about it now. I know we're older now and more mature (possibly) but we grew up with Harry Potter and although it took my a while to finally read the books (it didn't take me that long to get addicted as that happened about 4 pages into the Sorcerer's Stone) there was still always something to look forward to. The next book coming out or the next movie coming out. Reading these books over and over (which I have done about 4 times now and I plan to read again over Winter Break) and watching these movies has completed my life in a way I didn't know possible. I smile every time I think about the joys of Harry's world and the wish that I could join him. Everything seems so much better in books (although Harry's life ultimately sucks when you think about it) and there is something that makes you want to live their life instead. The world of Harry Potter is just so bad-ass that I can't even imagine someone who wouldn't want to be a wizard. :D I literally could talk about Harry Potter for hours, that's how into it I am. Nothing makes me happier than having a deep chat about Harry Potter. :D

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love Harry Potter with all my heart and I am so very glad to have found this amazing thing to cherish for the rest of my life.

"I know we've got a fight ahead of us, but we've got something that Voldemort doesn't have.....Something worth fighting for" -Harry Potter

True, and I guess in my case "I've got something worth living for". :D

Friday, November 19, 2010

So perfect

There are just somethings worth living for, things that are so perfect that they complete your life in a way you didn't think possible. :D

And this just so happens to be one of those things. :D

Monday, November 8, 2010

Good Grief

You can do whatever the hell you want.
Who am I to judge?

I guess I just need to get over myself.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Just watch. It speaks for itself. :D

I'm thinking of replacing it with "Gonna be Taylor Lautner's girlfriend tonight" or maybe someone else. Who knows. :D

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Taylor Frickin' Lautner

So I had another awesome dream. EEP!

We (and by we I mean my peeps, well I remember Mai specifically) were at an Awards show for something or other. Were sitting in our seats and a famous celebrity has a microphone in hand and is talking to the rest of the audience. He then comes and walks down OUR aisle and stands RIGHT NEXT to us!!

Who was this famous person, you may ask, and why am I so excited about it?

Three words: Taylor Frickin' Lautner

This has got to be the most exciting fake experience of my young life, let me tell you. :D

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bravo Mr. Somerhalder

You make Paul proud.

"Donning a blondish wig, a black blazer and some serious cheek bones, Ian played his co-star Paul to a T."

That's right, revel in your awesomeness. :D