Thursday, March 11, 2010

Religious or Superstitious? That is the question

While I'm walking back from Soc I run into Alec who was having a very intense conversation with some girl. He then interrupts her and starts talking to me. It went down as such:

Alec (To me): "What do you do when you blow an eye lash?"
Me: "You make a wish..."
Alec (To the girl) "Aha!"
Girl (getting annoyed since she was proved wrong): "Whatever, I'm not religious!"
Alec (Laughing): It's not religious, it's superstitious!"

Some people are really dumb sometimes. I've really noticed that. I mean come on! How can you think that blowing an eyelash has anything to do with religion? Seriously...I just don't get some people.

Speaking of people, have you eve had one of those encounters with people who you know but don't really know but kinda of feel obligated to say something to them or at least acknowledge their presence? Well I have. And it happens to be from the same person. I see him almost everyday now and whenever we make eye contact he just gives me this dirty look, or makes a weird face at me. I mean I don't really acknowledge him that much or if at all since he does this stuff. But I have noticed that he has a new bromance. I see he has moved on from guys or color to guys of white. Hahha. I think I shall say that from now on. (People of white) Anyways, I find it very hilarious that he attached himself to these guys. I wonder when a girl will come along and break them's only a matter of time. And then he will have found a new male friend.

"May you live in interesting times." -The Chinese Curse

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