Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hollywood's Not America

No matter how much I love movies and the actors that star in them just for us slubs viewing pleasure, I wonder how much they're really giving.

Is this what they wanted to do when they were little? Did Matt Damon want to be Jason Bourne when he was 12? Did Johnny Depp aspire to star in every Tim Burton film ever when he got into the acting business? Did Lindsey Lohan picture her life going to shit after she was successful at 11?

It makes me wonder what these talented people wanted to be when they were younger. I highly doubt all of them would say that they wanted to act when they were just little tykes. I'll bet that there was a huge chunk of these people who wanted to be a doctor and that's what they strived for long ago. How did they get thrown into this life?

I have nothing against the life style that these actors have. I just hope that this is what they want. I mean who enjoys paperattsi creeping behind bushes just to take a picture of them eating? (They act like this is something so intriguing) I really can't stand the idea of people making money by exploiting those who are famous. I would get really sick of it. But then again I'm not famous so I really have no say.

But what I'm basically trying to say through all of this is that I think they're champs. All actors, no matter how talented (or not talented and for some reason are famous...cough cough...Kristen Stewart) or how diva-like or walk around with a stick up their ass or are deep down a genuine person are all champs in my book.

Here's to you [Insert an actor of your preference]

"They didn't act like people and they didn't act like actors. It's hard to explain. They acted more then they knew they were celebrities then anything else."

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