Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Man it's good to be someone

Today was a very interesting day.

I mean first of all I was almost bored to tears in English where what's her face (I shall not name any names) was again being a bitch and acting like she can teach the class better then the actual professor. I mean the teacher is a bit....but still. She should know better not to talk down to a teacher.

Zoology was fine today and I saw profile guy again. Oh he's just so cute. =] And Athavi drew me some really nice drawings today. It really made everything great until Fernanda (girl one, not my house fellow Fernando who Tia thinks is super cute. He's not bad on the eyes if I do say so myself.) told me that we have a quiz on friday. Apparently we're going to be having a quiz every friday from now on. And that just reminded me more of the fact that I have to meet with my tutor for the first time on Friday. Oh gosh. I won't survive. I wonder if he's cute. hmm..I think that might be a bad thing. but you know.

Oh and I had my people interview today. I was super nervous for it but I think it went well. It wasn't too nerve-wracking like I thought it would be. But you know it's still an interview. And Lenard was there interview me and other people. (He's a cutie too) and I saw J-Furr come in just as I was about donw. I hope hers went well too. Tia's nervous about hers. She'll do great! We all will!

Oh and I watched the Season finale of white collar last night. AMAZING SHOW!! And Matt Bomer who play Neal Caffrey is friggin sexy as heck! OW OW!! I heard he's gay but I shouldn't really be a part of the rumor mill. So yeah don't think anything of it. I DIDN'T SAY ANY OF THIS!! Alright now that that's settled.

I have this amazing song stuck in my head. It's called Someday by Rob Thomas. It's AMAZING!! (I find myself saying that a lot). So listen to it. it's great!

"You can go. You can start all over again. You can try to find a way to make another day go by."

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