Thursday, July 15, 2010


So I apparently have a lot of phases.

OK these phases are mostly about famous actors. Now I'm going to list my phases if I can remember them all. :D But these right here were/are my MAJOR phases.

1: Orlando Bloom.
I had a huge Orlando Bloom phase. I still call him my first husband. I mean I obviously don't feel like he's an ex-husband just yet since I have a hug poster of him that I smile at every time I go to sleep. But this whole phases started when I first saw Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. He was just so amazingly amazing that I loved him from the start. I mean not to take anything about from Mr. Depp who is phenomenal I just saw something in that beautiful brown hair of Orlando's. :D And I also took the liberty of watching like a TON of Orli's movie's because I just HAD to keep watching. And I watched like a thousand of his interviews.

2: Michael Phelps.
So I have always loved the Olympics and of course the summer Olympics in Beijing was just so epic that I will remember it forever. But Michael Phelps was even more epic then the Olympics itself. I watched everyone of his races and got super duper intense when he raced Cavic and ALMOST lost!! it was crazy! Gosh, that was amazing! AHHH! Thinking about it again is making me all giddy. But anyways after that I was totally into Michael and his bionic swimming methods. And not to mention he has a very nice swimmers body. I do feel sad about the whole him smoking a bong thing but hey everyone experiments apparently. Don't worry Micheal. I have an amazing calendar of you and I could never hate you.

3. JT from Degrassi.
I cried when he was stabbed in the back (literally) by that stupid rival school. They ruined everything! But anyways after that I was just like I can't get enough of JT. I just don't understand how they could kill such an amazing guy like JT! AND AND AND he was gonna go and get back together with Liberty! It would have been magical. :( Don't get me wrong I don't hold anything against Ryan Cooley (JT) for wanting to go to college instead of continuing with the show. It was really sad as the cast was reading the script for the episode and Ryan was the only one of the cast who knew they JT was going to die. After that he gave a speech and started to cry. It really touched my heart.

4. Taylor Lautner.
He will never be a phase for me. He will be a lifetime. Gosh, I just love him so much! He's an amazing actor and from all of the millions of interviews of him that I've watched he seems like a really genuine person! I so want to meet him! IT WOULD MAKE MY LIFE!!!! I LOVE HIM!! And I have literally bought EVERY magazine that he's in and I have a gorgeous calender of him and I have seen like everything he's been in even though that hasn't been all that much but I will for sure be going to see all the stuff he does in the future. Just to show my dedication I even know where he is right now! OK, I don't know the EXACT location because that would be creepy but I do know what state he's in and he's shooting his new movie! I wanna go there and meet him! It would be unlike anything else. I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!! And I don't think he will ever become an ex-husband like Orlando. He's my soul mate. He just doesn't know it because he just hasn't meet my yet.

ok, I don't have that many phases I guess but that is A LOT OF TESTOSTERONE. haha. :D

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