Saturday, April 24, 2010


"Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson. You find the present tense and the past perfect."

I for some reason am feeling very nostalgic at the moment. I just want to be young again. There is nothing like the past that can make you feel gloomy about the present. Everything was simple when I was younger. All I did was watch some the greatest TV shows in the world (which may have something to do with why I'm feeling this way), play outside for hours, never wanting to come inside, having the summer to just do what ever a little kid does, spend time with your parents when it was the most exciting thing to do. I wonder why being a little kid was simple but being an adult is so complicated. I just don't understand it. Why are there so many things that need to be done? It seems like it never ends. When you're a child all you do is think about what's happening right at that moment whether it's playing in the mud, or climbing that tree, or playing with the dog, or getting to go over to a friend's house. Nowadays all you think about is the work you have to do today, the next day, the day after that, and the day after that. There no longer seems to be anytime for fun. Even when you do get the chance to just hangout with people, there is still that moment in between that you're thinking I should be doing work instead of being here. Or afterwards when you're thinking that was a lot of fun, but now I have all of this work to do.

I want things to be simple again. I don't know how to do that though. I know there is no way that things will be as simple as they were when I was younger. All it is going to get is harder. More complicated. There is only room to grow but there isn't any room for the uncomplicated, the simple.

There however is one thing that is simple: I miss my childhood.

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