Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nooo....I want him to askkkkk.

Okay so.......

Why is it that people think that the guy has to be the one to ask the girl out? This isn't the 1950's and women are independent. But due the travesty of societal norms all of us girls (or some I should say) feel the need to be asked out by the guy of their liking. "I mean how else am I gonna know if he likes me or not?" Blah blah blah.

Why is it that the guy that has to be the one to risk rejection and not the girl. WE ARE ALL AT THE RISK OF REJECTION!! They don't call it a crush for nothing. Sheesh. The girl is perfectly capable of asking the guy out on a freaking date if she so chooses. And who knows, this guy might actually be happy this chick had the balls to ask him out. (Not that he wants her to have balls of course....unless he does....which would mean his rejection of her would be for a completely different reason)

But the reason I'm saying this is that I remember back in high school and the dance or something horrible was coming up. And I could hear all these girls blathering on about how they want this guy or that guy to ask them to the dance. But God forbid when one person suggests that they ask him, they're all like "Nooooo! I want him to ask!" (in a high pitched girlie voice)

Anyways this just came into my head after reading Tia's blog about exchanging phone numbers. I don't really know the context behind it but it got me thinking about relationships and junk. And well we have come full circle and here we are.

Well since I have put this out there I guess I will have to follow my own advice when the time comes. (That's to say that this is not relevant at this particular moment in my young life) "I should practice what I preach"

But then again, I really don't think I would do anything about it whatsoever. If I like a guy then that's that. I like him. I'm not about to ask him out because..... I just don't want to. Who says that you actually have to date the guy? Can't you just have the joy of liking him and keeping it all to yourself (and friends apparently)? Gosh I'm ranting about a whole other subject. SCRATCH THIS!!

I should just stop before it gets any worse.

Well ta ta for now. :D

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