Monday, September 20, 2010

Laundry People


GOD! When it's time for you laundry to be done COME AND FREAKING GET IT! Is it that difficult to set an alarm of some kind, hear it go off, GET OFF YOUR ASS, and go and get your stupid shit?!?!? I DON'T THINK SO.

BUT NO..................All of you people have to take your sweet time and make random people who you will never meet or have a conversation with curse under their breathe about you. GOSH, I HATE YOU LAUNDRY PEOPLE. I mean really?!?! I waited 15 minutes........15 MINUTES!!! FOR YOU STUPID PEOPLE TO COME AND TAKE OUR YOUR CRAP!!


And all the while other washers are opening up and now more people don't come! GOD! Is it too much to ask for you people to not be stupid?!??!?! If you had something else to do then DON'T DO YOUR FREAKING LAUNDRY!! Let someone else who ACTUALLY has the time to watch it DO IT!!

Man! I hate you laundry people.

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