Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Dream State

Dreams to me are very strange. They depict real life but they never really happen in real life. Now why is that? Is there reasoning behind these dreams?

You know that song "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes"? Well maybe this song explains it all. So my heart is making me have all of these weird dreams about people. Mai says that they mean I miss someone or am thinking about them. That may be true but you never know. I mean I did have 3 dreams about the same person within like the last month. Does that mean that I miss them or are thinking about them? Could be, but I still don't understand dreams.

How come dreams sometimes seem better then real life? I don't see how that could possibly be true. But I guess since they are the projection of what is really in your heart then of course they would be better then what you're actually experiencing in real life.

Maybe life would be better if it were all a dream....wait on second thought that would suck! If I just spent all these years in school and it was all a dream I might have to shank someone.

"You see things and you say "why?" but I dream things that never were, and I ask "Why not?""

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