Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Remind Me Who I Really Am

So I know it's been almost a week since the Dynamic Duets episode of Glee aired but it's still been on my mind (basically how funny and adorable everyone was) and I've specifically been thinking about when Blaine sang "My Dark Side" with The Warblers.

The lyrics really got me thinking and since I'm a words person (meaning that words have a large impact on the way I think and that's why when I post a lot of songs, I also post the lyrics but I find the lyrics to be the one thing that can really get to the heart of a person's soul) I kinda of soft of totally dissected this song in the context of:
1) Blaine Warbler
2) Blaine as Klaine
3) McKinley High Blaine
4) Blaine Anderson.

So I'm gonna post most of the lyrics so ya'll know that I'm referencing to and their context within the whole song and after the lyrics will be my rants about each post above. (This is gonna be a long post so beware) Lolz.

There's a place
That I know
It's not pretty there
And few have ever gone

And if I show it to you now
Will it make you run away?
Or will you stay?
 Even if it hurts?
Even if I try to push you out
Will you return?

And remind me who I really am
Please remind me who I really am

Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know that we're worth it

Do you  love me?
Even with my dark side?

Like a diamond 
From the dust
It's hard to know what can become if you give up
So don't give up on me
Please remind me who I really am

Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know that we're worth it

Do you love me?
Even with me dark side?

Don't run away
Don't run away
Just tell me that you will stay
Promise me you will stay

1) What I first started thinking about was the fact that Blaine sang this particular song with the Warblers and not the New Directions. I find this interesting because Dalton was the place that Blaine ran away to in order to get away from the bullying he was experiencing at his public school. And in turn The Warblers gave him a home, one where he could feel safe and feel like he belonged. So in this context, the lyrics "please remind me who I really am" totally apply here. Even though The Warbler technically wanted Blaine back in order to help them win regionals (because they know that they might not be able to win without him because Blaine is just so kick ass), Dalton was the first place where Blaine felt like he could be himself without fear and he pretty much became the awesome and wonderful person that he is today because of his time at Dalton. He even wanted Kurt to come to Dalton in order to find a sanctuary from the bullying that Kurt was experiencing and the two of them found out who they really were by having that type of setting around them. But as we all know, Kurt really did belong at McKinley and that's where he ended up but that's beside the point. The Warblers wanted Blaine to come back to them because Dalton was where he found himself and maybe just maybe, he needed The Warblers to remind him of that.

2) In terms of Blaine being with Kurt (and becoming Klaine) I think that this song also really fits. The lyrics that I'm thinking of that fit this circumstance are "Everybody's got a dark side. Do you love me? Can you love mine?" I mean that's totally in reference to Kurt and their relationship. It's true, everyone does have a dark side (we all make mistakes and it's only a matter of time until we make one that will devastate us) but loving someone means loving all of them. Their dark side included. I'm not saying that what Blaine did wasn't right. It wasn't. He totally betrayed Kurt's trust when he cheated and there's no excuse. (But come on, pretty much all of the New Directions have cheated at some point or broke up with someone to be with another person or just pretended to like someone when they actually liked someone else) Blaine is not a terrible person. What he did was terrible, but it was a mistake and he wished he could take it back. With these lyrics he's basically asking Kurt to love him despite all the bad. Despite everything that has happened between them because in reality we all have dark sides and if we didn't love other people and their dark sides then there would literally be no love in this world. The other lyric that would go with this rant would be "don't give up on me". I totally think that Blaine wants Kurt to not give up on him. I mean no one wants to be given up on. We all want someone to believe in us. All Blaine's asking for is forgiveness. That might not be easy to give but at least he's asking.

3) So in terms of Blaine being at McKinley this is pretty simple. Blaine's obviously been going through a hard time. He's lost without Kurt and he's desperately trying to make things right. But it's not that simple. With Kurt not talking to him the only people he has to lean on are the New Directions. But that's hard for him as well because the only reason that Blaine came to McKinley in the first place is because of Kurt. How would that make you feel when your one reason for doing something is gone? (It's like going to a certain college because you're significant other is going there and then they end up breaking up with you or going to a different school). I mean that would totally suck. So I think the lyrics that will best fit here are "If I show it to you now, will it make you run away or will you stay?" Meaning that if Blaine shows these people his dark side will they accept him? I think they do. It may have taken Blaine a little bit to realize that but honestly, the New Directions are his friends. They're his home now. They accept him despite everything he's done and he accepts them despite everything that they've done. Another lyric that would go with this is "Even if it hurts? Even if I try to push you out, will you return?". Blaine totally tried to push these guys away. He actually considered going back to Dalton (which would be crazy because it's his senior year and he is senior class president for crying out loud) and yet they all banned together to keep him at McKinley. They wanted him to stay even though he wanted to leave. They honestly showed him where he belonged.

4) With Blaine being just Blaine Anderson, I think that lyrics that are most fitting are "Nobody's a picture perfect. But we're worth. You know that we're worth it". Blaine isn't perfect. Nobody is. I think that the most important thing for him to do is to find forgiveness. He needs to forgive himself and constantly tell himself that's he worth it. That's he's worthy of love. I mean Kurt was in love with him for a reason. That initial reason cannot have gone away that easily. Blaine just needs to be Blaine. That's it.

So to end this post, here's the actual clip from the episode of Blaine singing "My Dark Side" with The Warblers. Enjoy. :D

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