Saturday, December 29, 2012

If You're Going Through Hell, Keep Going

I just spent the last few minutes going through this person's blog because they had a bunch of posts about Teen Wolf and I miss that show so much that I want to cry a little. (Gosh, I'm going through withdrawal) And the title of the blog is: The One Keeping You Alive

And that really got me thinking about how not only recently but all the time there are things that people are going through and it can get to a point where they feel like they have nothing left to do except not live anymore. And it's sad to think about that people need to be reminded that they have a life worth living but I'm going to do just that.

It's not enough to just simply survive. Find something that makes you want to have a life. Something that makes you feel alive. That makes you want to stay alive. Anything. Because your life is precious and you deserve to live it and be happy.

And as the wonderful Stiles from Teen Wolf says it best: If you're going through Hell, keep going.

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