Monday, May 31, 2010


Love, in it's purest form.

Ragardless of race, ethnicity or gender,
If you love someone, fight for them. Always. Fight for them as hard as you can.
If you love someone, love all of them. Love them for the good and the bad, for everything they are. Love every ounce of them and grant them the same cursody to love you in the same way.
If you love someone, love them with your heart, mind, and soul. With your entire spirit.

Without love we have nothing. Without love we are nothing. Without love we are lost.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I would like to pride myself on being this great listener.....but why does it feel like no one is listening?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Ones That Love Us Never Really Leave Us

And we can always find our hearts.

Sometimes you have to experience something new in order to remember something old. And these memories are all that I have now. I wish I could have more but I am greatful for what I have to remember. There is nothing more important then remembering those you love and the fact that they loved you too.

"Even those who are gone are with us as go on."

I really like to think so. I hope they like what they see. :D

Sunday, May 9, 2010 is inevitable

Apparently so is death....but that's besides the point.

People are always changing. Hopefully this change is for the better. I would like to say that I have changed over the years....but into what I'm not exactly sure. So if change is for the best then why am I reminiscing about what someone used to be? Maybe they have changed to prove something to themselves or maybe it's for other people. But why do people change? I remember what it was like last summer. We were all there learning, growing and suffering together. But that's what I liked most about them. They were who they wanted to be and I guess this is what they want to be now. I should be happy for them but there's something holding me back. But here's the's not like we were even that close. I think the reason I'm thinking like this is because I wish we were...closer. There were little moments last summer when I just threw things on the table and waited for it all to unfold but nothing did. I don't think they will now....I guess I shouldn't say that because I really never know what's going to happen in the future. I think the most important thing is that I should just let them be happy with who they are now if that's what they want.

I think that's what everyone just be happy with who they are even if that means changing just a little something.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I have been inspired by a stranger.

I really underestimate the level of talent others have. You never know what others have been through until you hear them spill their soul in front of all their friends, acquaintances and yes, complete strangers.

Although my intentions of going there were in vain, I do not regret the decision. Unlike me, they were there for a more important reason. They were there to tell their story in the only way they knew how. Many people will spend their whole lives trying to find their muse, but these people have found it and are laying it out on the line for all to see.

All I know is inspiration is upon me.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Dream State

Dreams to me are very strange. They depict real life but they never really happen in real life. Now why is that? Is there reasoning behind these dreams?

You know that song "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes"? Well maybe this song explains it all. So my heart is making me have all of these weird dreams about people. Mai says that they mean I miss someone or am thinking about them. That may be true but you never know. I mean I did have 3 dreams about the same person within like the last month. Does that mean that I miss them or are thinking about them? Could be, but I still don't understand dreams.

How come dreams sometimes seem better then real life? I don't see how that could possibly be true. But I guess since they are the projection of what is really in your heart then of course they would be better then what you're actually experiencing in real life.

Maybe life would be better if it were all a dream....wait on second thought that would suck! If I just spent all these years in school and it was all a dream I might have to shank someone.

"You see things and you say "why?" but I dream things that never were, and I ask "Why not?""

Sunday, May 2, 2010


"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."

This is has been truly a great start to a new month. I love May and most importantly I love my friends. They have been there to be a part of something that I will never forget. So guys, thank you so much for the shenanigans you all let me witness and be a part of. :D

P.S. I absolutely love hugs, break dancing, back muscles, situations, embarrassing bathroom incidents, embarrassing elevator incidents, poking fun, that's what she said jokes, destiny, soul mates, fate, walks on State Street, The Titanic Players, free movies, ice cream, late nights and so much more.

♫ We're here and we're now and we're all together so let's make this last forever ♫